At Famiglia Italian American Restuarants in Greenville, NC and surrounding areas, we’re passionate about pasta. It’s not just good, a standard plate of spaghetti actually has a lot of health benefits. That being said, not everyone knows about all of the  benefits of this amazing dish. With that in mind, here are 3 reasons to have pasta tonight.

1. Good Source of Carbohydrates and Fiber

While a lot of people try to stay away from carbs, if you don’t have a gluten based allergy, it can actually be great for your health. As Keri Gans, R.D explains in Women’s Health,

“Whole grains contains lots of B vitamins, which help your body make energy from food and help you make red blood cells…Research shows that whole-grain carbs, like breads and pastas and rice, help reduce your chance of heart disease and lower your cholesterol levels”

Pasta is a great way to get that fiber and carbohydrates in an all inclusive meal. There’s a reason swimmer’s eat pasta the night before a big meet, it gives the benefits and health you need.

2. Packed with Antioxidants

Both white and whole-wheat pastas are excellent sources of selenium, a mineral that activates antioxidant enzymes tasked with protecting your cells from molecular damage. A 1-cup serving of either type of pasta provides roughly two-thirds of your recommended daily intake, which is a great way to get ahead. That’s not even including what you put in the sauce.

3. Easy to Make Healthy

Pasta is the perfect base to make sure you get the lean proteins and all the fruits and veggies that you need. That’s why at Famiglia, we offer so many pasta dishes. Not only is it delicious and connects us back to our Italian roots, but there’s tons of opportunity to explore different flavors and styles. Get seafood with Seafood Fra Davolo or Shrimp Scampi and all the veggies you need with Pasta Primavera or Eggplant Parmasean. No matter what your dietary needs are, it’s a great base to have a fully balanced meal with.

Ready to Eat?

If you’re ready to start eating some pasta but don’t want to put in the work, don’t hesitate to come to Famiglia Italian American Restaurants in Greenville, NC and surrounding areas. From antipasti to primo to finally getting your dessert, our restaurant staff is dedicated to bringing you the rich taste of Italian Cuisine. At Famiglia, our chefs bring quality Italian casual fine dining that highlights the flavors of Greenville, NC. Join us for dinner to experience our commitment to you. If you have any questions, contact us today and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.